Sunday, September 28, 2008

Grilling at Presque Isle and an Evening Hike!

Amy had a wonderful idea earlier this week to grill out this weekend…and that is exactly what we did. We (Amy, Colby, Mariah, Brian, Justin, and myself) gathered at Presque Isle, fired up the grill with beer-brats, burgers, and veggies, beverages of choice, sides, and caramel apples! Talk about a perfect fall feast! After hanging out around the grill and eating, it was time to break out the Bocce Ball set…GAME ON! The weather was suppose to be 10% cloudy, not 100% cloudy, but it was still warm out. The water has some solid waves hitting the break wall behind our picnic site that was located under the changing leaves of the trees! It was a wonderful afternoon.

After the cook-out, Amy headed back to hit the books and Colby, Brian, Mariah and I swung by Colby and Mariah’s house to pick up Blake, their black lab, and headed out to a hike! I think it was Wetmore Landing…but I am not sure…it doesn’t matter, because it was by far, the best hike I’ve taken since I’ve been in Marquette. I will mark my calendar and take this hike again in perhaps 2 weeks when the leaves are at their peak!

Today was an amazing fall day (minus the lacking of sunshine) :)

Pictures from today's adventures can be found here:

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Owosso, Michigan for Monica's Wedding

This weekend, Friday was my “Labor Day” and I drove down to Owosso/East Lansing for the weekend. On the road by 6am (with Justin sleeping in the passenger’s seat), 6ish hours later we were in East Lansing! I survived my very first trip over the Mackinaw Bridge!!! It was beautiful, but I didn’t really look around too much considering I was driving. Lunch Friday with Eric (who I hadn’t seen since April) and Jeremy (who I hadn’t seen since I graduated from MSU in 2006). It was great being able to catch up with them! Quick stop into the MSU athletic training facilities to say hi to the staff, popped into the Meridian Mall, and then off to Mikes!!! By the time I stopped at the mall, I decided I rather go take a nap before Mike got out of work than to shop! YAY for naptime!!!

Friday night Mike and I drove to meet my parents for dinner (and for the all-important handoff of the microwave!!)! I finally have a microwave in my apartment!!!

After going to my favorite breakfast place in the world, 401, we got ready and went to Monica’s wedding (main motivation for this trip). I was asked to help hand out bubbles as the guest entered with Jess and thus, we were the official bubble-hander-outters. 20 minute ceremony (nice and short!!!), and then reception. Overall, it was a fun day!!!

Sunday was breakfast back at 401 before picking Justin up in East Lansing and heading back to Marquette. On our way back, we stopped at St. John’s Cider Mill for apples, doughnuts, and cider!!! Caramel apples on their way!!! Part of my car decided to fall off and drag during the crossing of the Bridge. Nothing a little duct tape couldn’t take contain for the remaining 170 miles to home. It was absolutely amazing to spend the weekend with Mike, although it wasn’t enough time with him…but it never is…

Pictures from this weekend can be found here:

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Appleton, WI Day Adventure

Yesterday Mariah and I went to Appleton, WI for the day.

Our To Do List:~Green Bay for a sushi lunch (they were closed when we first arrived because we failed to calculate in the time change so we hit up the mall and went to OLD NAVY!!! IT WAS WONDERFUL). YAY for Old Navy!
~Appleton's mall to have her rings inspected (main reason for trip), Victoria's Secret, Gap, Body Shop, Trade Secret, Macy's were other wonderful attractions we stopped in
~Galarowicz's house to say hello since we were in town and was able to try on Bucky's head that was hanging out there!!!
~Back on the road to make it back to Marquette, MI where we had tickets to go to 2nd City at 9.30pm.
~CRAPPY weather on both drives, worse coming home though. Fog, pouring rain, almost hit a deer (with a yard of our hood). We were a half hour late to 2nd City due to the weather but we arrived safely which is the most important thing.
~After climbing over 20 people to find our seats in the DEAD CENTER of the theater for 2nd City, we met up with Colby and Amy and enjoyed the rest of the show. That is a production I would see again! And to think, the tickets were only 2 dollars! I heart Marquette!

When we first stepped into the mall in Appleton, it took me a few moments to become adjusted to the environment. It has been 3 months since I’ve been in a crowded place. 3 months since I’ve been elbowed. 3 months since I’ve been cut off. I was over stimulated; too many things going on! I quickly adjusted and dove right in. I felt like it was Christmas! So many stores I wanted to go in, so little time. We will definitely go back, perhaps spend the weekend in Appleton.

Marquette's mall = Kohls.

Appleton's Mall = a smidge smaller than 12 Oaks (Novi, MI), or a slighly bigger Meridian (East Lansing, MI), but pretty equal to West Town (Madison, WI).

It was wonderful seeing Allison, Mrs. Galarowicz, and sister Galarowicz…and to put on the Bucky Head!!!

4 day work-week comin’ up before driving back down state to see Mike!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008


Whoah! What a busy week! Wednesday night pulled off a surprise party/dinner for Colby. Holly was in town (and ended up crashing at my place) through Sunday and work was busy busy (which is a good thing). Sunday afternoon before Holly left she insisted we hike Sugarloaf. It was a beautiful hike with a wonderful view of Marquette. Rumor has you can see Canada from the top on a clear day. Above is a picture of me at the top of Sugarloaf…is there enough blue in the picture for you? Hehe. I am wearing my favorite t-shirt (if you want one, let me know and I’ll point you in the right direction)!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Swimming in Lake Superior!

My dry blond hair headed under the icy water.

Swimming back to the warm sand with my wet hair (proof I went under)!

Yes, I did it. I swam in Lake Superior (evidence above)! And yes, it is, by far, the coldest swim I have ever had. But once you're in for a moment, you can't really feel anything anymore and thus, it no longer feels cold! Amy and I went to the beach today after work. After a few hours laying in the sun, Amy headed back to work for a few hours, and I headed home to duck out of sun for a bit.

After taking a quick break from the sun, Amy and I headed out to Black Rocks to plunge into the ice-cold water! The warm days are coming to an end and thus, I have to get all the warm-weather activities crossed off my list! Pictures of Black Rocks will come as soon as I figure out how to get them off of the hard drive of my

What a wonderful half day/holiday!