Monday, September 1, 2008

Swimming in Lake Superior!

My dry blond hair headed under the icy water.

Swimming back to the warm sand with my wet hair (proof I went under)!

Yes, I did it. I swam in Lake Superior (evidence above)! And yes, it is, by far, the coldest swim I have ever had. But once you're in for a moment, you can't really feel anything anymore and thus, it no longer feels cold! Amy and I went to the beach today after work. After a few hours laying in the sun, Amy headed back to work for a few hours, and I headed home to duck out of sun for a bit.

After taking a quick break from the sun, Amy and I headed out to Black Rocks to plunge into the ice-cold water! The warm days are coming to an end and thus, I have to get all the warm-weather activities crossed off my list! Pictures of Black Rocks will come as soon as I figure out how to get them off of the hard drive of my

What a wonderful half day/holiday!

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