Monday, August 11, 2008

Jenna & Mountain Bike vs. Tree...

Picture: Powerflex compression wrap with an oven mitt to mock a horseshoe pad on side with most swelling. And it matches my toenail polish! (I couldn’t find an ace wrap and after I sat down I didn’t want to get up again to get foam padding). It did the trick!

Yesterday I ran 5 miles and it felt great! Today I planned to be an easy day; perhaps a no-hill, 20-minute run or so. But, when asked to go mountain biking after work with Colby and Mariah, I thought “Sure! Why not?” Sounds like fun and to be honest, I have never been true “mountain biking”. So off we went to Marquette Mountain where we went up, down, around, and up some more, (with numerous stops to refuel with fresh raspberries that were growing on the side of the trail). This trail was single track and for someone who cannot walk in a straight line, let alone ride a bike in a straight line, I found this to be a challenge of its own. Then they (those who created the trail) decided to throw some sand, rocks, roots, and whatever else they could find to put in our way. It was challenging, but I had a great time. The following ended up being a common conversation between Colby and I throughout the ride. Me: (one of the following phrases) “Oh shit” “Almost had that one” or “Awww Man”, followed by Colby “You alright?” and my response was ALWAYS “Yeah, I’m good!”.

We came to a “fork” in the road towards the end of our ride, we could either A.) go to the car or B.) go down this more technical little loop Colby felt Mariah and I were ready for. Sure! Why not?! So away we go, single trail, steepest grade yet (going down), more roots, more trees, and trees closer to the trail. So I’m going, fast, hanging on for dear life, and loving it! I dodged one tree that was in my way but he sent me towards another. I yelled “OH SHIT, TREE”, but it didn’t move (things usually move out of your way when you yell at them). I then tried to move it with my body. That didn’t work either. I smacked DIRECTLY into the tree with my entire left side. This time, when Colby asked if I was alright, my answer was not “Yeah, I’m good”. And that’s not good.

My ankle took the majority of the hit and I was honestly scared that I had really messed up my foot. I don’t think I knocked myself out, but I was disorientated there for a moment. After a few minutes of sitting down and collecting my thoughts, I was able to move the ankle a bit and using my bike, walked back to the car. Shoulder is also very sore, but nothing compared to the ankle I can barely walk on. 2 ice baths, a home-made compression wrap (picture), and off to bed I go with it propped up on 4 large floor pillows at the foot of my bed. Needless to say I’m determined to get this thing back to normal in hopes it won’t keep me out of running for too long.

On the bright side, if you are going to run into a tree while mountain biking, what better company to be in but 3 athletic trainers?!

Will I go out again?! HELL YES! That tree has not seen the last of me. But hopefully the next time, I go whizzing by it!

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